Argh mateys! Shiver me timbers! Sometimes it feels good to step out of your normal coding routine and do something a little different.
Yesterday, @arod2634 posted this tweet:
Top 10 Weird APIs via @mulesoft
— Alex Rodriguez (@arod2634) January 17, 2013
One of the APIs listed was a pirate translation api that would take English and turn it into the equivalent as a pirate would say it. What better way to put it to use then make a WordPress plugin out of it: Speak Pirate.
This new plugin be hot off yonder press and working hard to convert ye plain text into pirate jargon. Simply use ye new shortcode [speak_pirate] around ye text you want translated and it shall be done.
[speak_pirate]Text to translate goes here[/speak_pirate]
Enjoy, ye land lubbers!
Hungry For More Information?
Here is the commented code: